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Cabling systems help make certain that a system’s potential can be fully utilized at maximum efficient capacity to assist with business needs. Structured cabling systems which are comprised of cabling and connected hardware manage cabling infrastructure in an organised manner to optimize systems in the workplace. Structured cabling systems offer a complete telecommunications infrastructure which carries out various functions including supplying a telephone service or sending data via a computer network. Exceptional and efficient networking systems are within reach in this time of technological advancement, and structured cabling may be the best and most cost-effective way of getting there.

The benefits of structured cabling systems include:

  • Faster MACs (Moves, Adds and Changes) as they are carried out in the MDA (Main Distribution Area) instead of in multiple different equipment racks.
  • Reduced potential for downtime as the capacity for human error is significantly lessened as a result of the organisation of the system.
  • Saved time as structured cabling systems make port and cable tracing much simpler.
  • A more aesthetically pleasing appearance since the hardware can be cabled up and left untouched as changes are done only in the MDA, allowing the outside view to remain neat and tidy.

At Arainfo we aim to help you tie up loose ends and get organised through our products and solutions which you can skim through via the links provided.